
Owner, Nathan Whalen, has been training dogs for twenty years. When he first met Megan, she was intrigued by the ability to train a dog to do various skills, such as she does with the athletes she coaches. “It was evident early on, that Nate is extremely passionate about training dogs to their full potential, but it was so obvious that he truly loved working with the dogs,” his wife, Megan Whalen professed.

Nate has trained dogs of all skill levels from all over the country. To get the most of your training experience, Nate will communicate weekly about the progress of the dogs and the expectations of the client. Depending on the depth of training, most hunting dogs enlist in training for 4-6 months.

Chappell Hill Pet Resort also offers obedience training so that dogs are more enjoyable at home. Obedience training is a month long program in which the dog will stay at our facility. At the conclusion of obedience training, Nate will also work with the owner so that the dog is successful at home. Obedience training is also $650 a month.

Jace running a water mark.